Not Just Spine Care
Headaches or Migraines
Headaches can range in severity from dull to “there’s an ice pick in my brain and I can’t open my eyes!” They impact most of the American population. Unfortunately, headaches and migraines can be somewhat elusive because there are several different kinds, as well as numerous triggers that vary from person to person. Thankfully, chiropractic care is one way to manage not only the symptoms but to help identify the true source of some headaches.
Rib Pain
Rib pain is an incredibly common complaint that can be easily overlooked for a tight muscle or trigger point or the “knot in my back that never goes away”. Many times the initial onset can feel like a sharp stab in the back, most common are near or just under the scapulae. The initial pain may even dull out after a few days but the whole area may feel sore and still have tight muscles. Many feel the pain become intense or increase with deep breaths and may even present with pain that follows the rib around to the side and/or chest and can feel tight and hard to breath; similar to that of a heart attack but without cardiac symptoms.
Neck and Upper Back Pain
The neck’s susceptibility to injury is due in part to biomechanics. Many times these mechanics are hindered by issues in the upper back as well as the neck. Activities and events that affect cervical and thoracic biomechanics include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and everyday wear and tear. Neck and upper back pain can be very bothersome, and it can have a variety of causes.
TMJ is an abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint which connects the mandibular, or your lower jaw, to the temporal bones of the skull. The TMJ is one of the more unique joints within your body as it allows you to move your jaw forward, backward, and side to side so that you can chew, talk, sing, yawn, and more. This joint can be found just in front of your ears on both sides of your head.
Sciatica and Radiating Pain
Sciatica is characterized by pain in the lower back that radiates down one or both legs. The pain is described as dull, achy, sharp, like “pins and needles” or similar to electric shocks. Other symptoms associated with sciatica include burning, numbness and tingling sensations. Sciatic nerve pain varies in intensity from mild to severe, and frequency may range from occasional to constant. These same symptoms can also apply to other regions such as the neck, upper back , shoulders, arms and commonly hands.
Carpel Tunnel
CTS is a problem of the median nerve which runs from the forearm into the hand. When there is excessive pressure in the wrist, it causes swelling of the median nerve. This small area called the carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel at the wrist made up of bones, soft tissues, nerves, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. When the median nerve which runs through this tunnel gets compressed it causes pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the hand and wrist which radiates into the forearm. Due to it’s similarity with other radiating pain patterns it is best to start with a conservative care physician.
Whiplash and Auto Injury
Also known as a neck sprain or neck strain, whiplash is a soft-tissue neck injury that happens when your head is suddenly and forcefully thrown backward then forward. By experiencing such unexpected force, whiplash can harm the muscles, nerves, ligaments, vertebrae, and disks in the neck and spine. Whiplash often occurs during rear-end car accidents, sports accidents, or other trauma, and is characterized by a number of symptoms that either develop immediately or shortly after the initial injury or impact.
Extremity Pain
Shoulder pain is a very common condition it is considered to be one of the most unstable joints in the human body and affects almost half of the U.S. Most patients feel some sort of pain, limited range of motion, an inability to engage in activities of daily living (ADL) or something more serious as a permanent disability.
Knee pain is increasingly becoming a more common problem in society. It is a complaint we see frequently. The most common complaint associated with knee pain is considered the normal “wear and tear.” Another ailment that affects the knee is osteoarthritis.
The symptoms and progression of osteoarthritis and any joint pain including ankles, wrists, elbows and knees alike can be addressed and reduced through chiropractic care.